
Energy Efficient Breakfast Events

January 2012: The Carbon Trust is hosting an Energy Efficient Breakfast for local businesses in the London Boroughs of  Camden, Westminster, Southwark and Lambeth, in partnership with Camden Council on 27 March 2012. Registration and breakfast will open at 7:30 am, the session will start at 8 am, and will finish at 10:00 am with an optional carbon surgery with the trainer for half an hour afterwards. Further details on  the content of the event and how to register posted on the Carbon Trust’s website.

A further event in Sutton is also being held on 6 March 2012.

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20% off home energy assessments in Haringey

January 2012: VICTERI (Victorian Terrace Energy Reduction Initiative), a local not-for-profit organisation, is offering a 20% discount on home energy assessments to the first 12 Haringey residents to sign up. The home assessment will provide home owners with:

  • Advice on how to cut high fuel bills
  • Remedies for draughts and cold rooms
  • Assessment of suitability for solar electricity and solar hot water panels
  • A report with recommendations for action, including approximate costs

The discounted price of £80 is available until 31 January 2012. For further information go to the VICTERI website

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Energise Barnet powering ahead

January 2012: Energise Barnet has recently been awarded £37,500 as part of Barnet Council’s Big Society Innovation Bank, a £600,000 fund created to help kick-start citizen- and community-led projects. Further details can be viewed here.

Nigel Farren of Energise Barnet has also been selected as the only London representative on a newly formed ‘Community Energy Contact Group’ convened by Energy Minister Greg Barker. The first meeting of the Group took place in December with Nigel joining  eight other community groups and organisations from across the UK who will help DECC understand the issues and opportunities facing communities setting up local renewable energy initiatives. Further details on Energise Barnet’s involvement in the Group can be read on the following news report.

DECC have stated they welcome feedback and suggestions on community energy initiatives as well as notable case studies  which should be sent to DECC are also seeking guidance from community groups via a short survey posted on their Community Energy Online website.

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Smart Grid Project Launched

24 January 2012: “Energy management company Honeywell  today announced a smart grid project that will help connect up to 30 commercial and industrial buildings in the Thames Valley area west of London, and temporarily reduce electricity consumption when overall use spikes. This will help alleviate the potential for future transmission and distribution bottlenecks as the peak demand for energy grows. It will also enable building operators to decrease their energy use, utility bills and carbon dioxide emissions.” Read full news release here.

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Southwark District Heating project moves forward

January 2012LetsRecycle news reports on progress made by Southwark Council to develop new district heating infrastructure taking heat from Veolia’s energy from waste plant, SELCHP, to provide low carbon, affordable heat to 3,000 homes across seven  estates in Southwark.  Southwark will not be required to make any up-front financial contribution to the project but would instead sign a long-term contract to buy the heat at a guaranteed lower price than can be secured from the conventional energy market. Further details are provided in the following Southwark news release and some earlier posts provide some further background.

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Government’s ‘Green Deal’ needs to help the poorest

20 January 2012: The Local Government Association (LGA), which represents more than 350 councils in England and Wales, today warned that the Government’s forthcoming Green Deal would leave some of the country’s most vulnerable families out in the cold and could increase fuel poverty. Read the full news release here.

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Mayor’s Low Carbon prize

January 2012: Further details have been posted on the Mayor’s Low Carbon Prize, open to all students in further and higher education institutions in Greater London, who have ideas in helping reduce London’s carbon emissions and energy use from buildings. A total of £20,000 is to be awarded to the best ideas.

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The Hydrograph

January 2012: Community-led renewable energy scheme in Richmond, Ham Hydro, has recently published its first newsletter providing an update on their project, which involves the installation of hydro power turbines on the River Thames at Teddington Weir. Down The Hydrograph at Further information is available on the Ham Hydro energyshare webpage.

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Sky prepares big switchover to biomass power

January 2012: Business Green report on Sky’s new headquarter’s based near Heathrow where the installation of a new combined cooling heat and power (CCHP) plant that could supply up to 40 per cent of energy to the broadcaster’s main studio complex…At full capacity, the plant will take delivery of 32 tonnes of wood chips a day, sourced from local businesses in a 25-mile radius.” Read the full news story here.
Further information is available at Sky’s Environment Review 2011 report.

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E.ON leads CHP drive in London

January 2012: E.ON provide an update on their plans to extend their Citigen district heating scheme, based in the City, which serves both private and City Corporation properties, the latter including the Guildhall, Smithfield Market, the Barbican Arts Centre and the Museum of London. Read the interview here: more on Citigen here and here.

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Food waste could provide London with new gas supply

January 2012: An article highlighting how Creative Health Lab, a social enterprise based in North London, are working towards developing a small scale, community Anaerobic Digestion (AD) project. AD projects in the UK at present are generally large, industrial scale technologies, but Creative Health Lab want to see the technology scaled down to a more local micro- level. The project LEAP project (the Local Energy Adventure Partnership) is currently looking at two North London sites where they can begin trialling the small-scale AD technology. Read the full article here.

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London Energy Efficiency Fund – Drop in Session

January 2012: The £100m London Energy Efficiency Fund (LEEF) is a new source of funding for energy efficiency retrofit on public sector buildings in the capital. Following its launch in October 2011, the LEEF team have been holding ‘drop-in’ sessions for potential applicants to discuss the suitability of their project to the fund.

The next session is planned for 10th February 2012 at the offices of Arup at 8 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 4BJ between 12-4pm where “potential project sponsors and other interested parties are welcome to join the LEEF team throughout the afternoon for an informal discussion. There is no set agenda, but we are offering 30 minute appointments in advance for specific queries.”

Further information can be found at

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