
Can localism deliver on the green agenda?

25 November 2011: Interesting Guardian article addressing the following – ‘The coalition has promised to be the greenest government ever, but councils could use decentralisation to avoid cutting carbon?’

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Energy & Climate Questions to the Mayor

November 2011: This month the Mayor answered London Assembly questions in relation to: London’s connection to the National Grid; indirect or Scope 3 CO2 emissions; the Mayor’s Meeting energy companies I and Meeting energy companies II; an Update on home energy efficiency scheme RE:NEW; Boroughs rolling out home energy efficiency scheme RE:NEW; and the National roll-out of home energy efficiency scheme RE:NEW;  Energy Efficiency in the Private Rented Sector; EDF’s Energy Costs; the Mayor’s Environmental RecordRenewables installed through RE:NEW and RE:FIT; the Mayor’s Prize for Low Carbon Technology and TfL’s increased CO2, and the Mayor’s comparison of Germany’s home energy efficiency retrofit programme and the Green Deal.

Previous questions to the Mayor can be found here.

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Fuel poverty fears in East London as “Mayor’s scheme stalls”

24 November 2011: News release from London Assembly member John Biggs: “Mayor Boris Johnson has been criticised for failing to deliver on his flagship policy to reduce fuel bills in East London. As local residents face huge energy price hikes this winter, new figures reveal that the Mayor’s promise to insulate 200,000 home across London has flopped…At the current rate it will take 23 years to ‘green’ 200,000 homes as promised. Even then this would be just a fraction of the 3.4 million homes in the capital. Full story here. Further information on the Mayor’s RE:NEW programme here.

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Mayor’s £20,000 Low Carbon Prize

24 November 2011: Press release announcing details of the Mayor’s £20,000 prize designed to help to reduce carbon emissions from London’s buildings. The competition is open to all undergraduates and postgraduates at Further and Higher Education Institutions in London. “The Mayor hopes the winning entries could in the future be used to help drive investment specifically in building retrofitting activity, which could deliver up to 80 per cent of the 14,000 low carbon jobs that City Hall figures estimate could be created each year, and two thirds of the £721 million of low carbon economic activity per year up until 2025.” Further details here.

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What are the social impacts of climate change in the UK?

24 November 2011:  Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) commissioned research, published today,  which highlights that the people who emit the least carbon in the UK are most likely to suffer from the consequences of climate change.

The report – The distribution of UK household CO2 emissions“provides the first integrated dataset of household emissions and  confirms the direct relationship between household income and carbon emissions – the top 10 per cent earners emit more than twice as much carbon as the lowest 10 per cent.”

A second report – ‘Climate change, justice and vulnerability‘ – states that “The most socially vulnerable neighbourhoods in the UK tend to be in urban or coastal locations. There is a North-South divide in extreme socially derived flood-vulnerability in England, while nearly a quarter of London neighbourhoods are classed as extremely socially heat-vulnerable.

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Local Authority Interactive Maps for Insulation, PVs, and Fuel Poverty

24 November 2011:  Press notice from DECC today announcing that  “As part of the Government’s commitment to be open and accountable to the public and to support local authorities and other users in understanding and comparing data, DECC has today released:

This release, combined with the launch on Thursday 27 October 2011 of a sub-national energy consumption analytical tool, aims to aid users in comparing energy data between areas and over time.”

The four datasets covered by this new mapping tool are:

  • Cavity wall and loft insulation
  • Fuel poverty
  • Domestic solar photovoltaic installations
  • Gas and electricity consumption
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Hard-to-treat properties in London

23 November 2011: The excellent Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) have ” recently undertook an analysis of English Housing Survey (EHS, 2007-08) data to understand a little more about the the country’s hard-to-treat housing stock.”
The short note prepared provides some useful information on London including the fact that London has the highest proportion of hard-to-treat properties of all the regions, with 58% being solid-walled.

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Upper Lee Valley Low Carbon Economy

November 2011: The North London Strategic Alliance – made up of the Enfield, Haringey, Waltham Forest – have together with the GLA commissioned a study looking at the Upper Lee Valley – identified in the London Plan as the capital’s largest Opportunity Area – to “understand the current low carbon economy and potential for green growth, together with clear, strategic actions to support that economic expansion.” The report ‘Upper Lee Valley Low Carbon Economy: Opportunities, Barriers & Interventions’, produced by GVA Grimley, was published earlier this year and is downloadable here.

Some further information on proposals for a North London Decentralised Energy Network is posted here.

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Enfield Gasification Scheme

21 November 2011: An update on Irish developer Kedco’s plans to develop a biomass gasification scheme in Enfield which it believes have become more positive as a result of the recent proposed changes to the renewable obligation

The project received planning permission in October 2010 to build a c. £45 million biomass wood gasification plant in Enfield capable of generating 12MW of electricity and 10MW of heat and – as the article linked above explains – has secured a supply deal with a company processing waste wood from construction and demolition. Kedco report that tenders currently being prepared to source a suitable contractor for the proposed construction of the plant.  Details submitted at the time of application in relation to a ‘heat output assessment’ for the facility can be viewed here and para 6.3.1 onwards  of the planning officer’s report (report also here) on the application provide details of the scheme’s proposals to export heat to some nearby sites.

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Background to the Climate Change Committee Study of LA emission savings

November 2011:  A previous entry noted the announcement by DECC that the Climate Change Committee (CCC) were to help provide DECC with guidance on how local authorities could curb greenhouse gas emissions. No key information has been published as yet by the CCC on the study, however, what follows below is some background correspondence between DECC and the CCC on the basis of the study:
Letter from Minister for Energy Greg Barker to Lord Adair Turner, Chairman of the CCC (13 June 2011) which states that DECC are “thinking of is benchmark advice on the scale of ambition that LAs may set themselves, possible approaches to deliver that ambition and how this would contribute to national carbon budgets.”
CCC responded (24 June) saying that they “agree [d] that there is a potentially important role for LAs, particularly as regards energy efficiency improvement in buildings and promotion of sustainable transport, and also as regards renewable electricity and heat generation.”
DECC Ministerial response (21 July)
– Following a meeting in mid – September CCC came back to DECC (28 September) setting out the four elements of the study and requested support from DECC and the LGA
– A Final letter from Greg Barker back to CCC (25 October) which amends the elements proposed by CCC stating that DECC are looking for “consideration of the local factors and circumstances that local authorities might wish to take into account when deciding on the approaches to adopt”. DECC further state that they need the work to be completed by the end of April 2012 “to ensure it can be fed into the permissive guidance for local authorites that CLG (the Department for Communities) is producing.” The guidance referred to is in relation to the revised Home and Energy Conservation Act (HECA) – originally to be repealed in the Energy Act 2011, until a volte face from Government.

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The London Low Carbon Market Snapshot 2011

November 2011: Figures compiled by INNOVAS for a report commissioned by the Mayor, has “examined in detail for the first time, the health of the low carbon and environmental goods and services sector in London during 2009-2010. It reveals that the sector grew by over four per cent a year, was supporting 9,000 companies employing 160,000 people and importantly, is set to grow further.” Only a summary of the report has been so far released (linked above). Previous work in this area on ‘Green Jobs’ in London can be seen here.

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Hills Report Data on Number of Fuel Poor in London

November 2011: The consultation period on the interim report by the Hills Fuel Poverty Review has just closed (Nov 18), but an Excel spreadsheet containing the background data to the report has recently been released.

The spreadsheet tab (Fig B.7 & Table B.4) provides estimates of how the number of households in London would be classed as fuel poor depending on how the definition was set. Hence, under the current definition, 402,000 households in London are fuel poor: if the ‘After Housing Costs’ definition was instead adopted, this number would rise to 584,000. See previous posts on some of the background to this (here and here).

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