
London Hydrogen Action Plan Update

October 2011: The latest details on work to progress the Mayor’s Hydrogen Action Plan have just been released, with £115,000  approved by the GLA for the London Hydrogen Partnership’s 2011-12 work programme.

Further information  on the London Hydrogen Partnership’s work can be found on their website.

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Hospital Heat and Power at Guy’s and St. Thomas’

September 2011: Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust have hosted a tour of their two Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants which have, since their commissioning in 2009,  helped the Trust reduce CO2 emissions at the hospitals by a total of almost 11,300 tons per year and save more than £1.5 million in energy costs annually. Further information is detailed on the following news release.

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New Renewable Electricity Stats for London

30 September 2011: DECC have just released their annual regional breakdown of renewable electricity statistics, providing further detail to the renewable CHP chapter of DECC’s annual Digest of UK Energy Statistics, published in July of this year. (Note – this only refers to ‘renewable electricity’ and not ‘renewable energy’ which would include the contribution of renewables to heating and transport fuels also – the UK’s 2020 target is in relation to renewable energy).

The statistics for London indicate:

  • 10 sites in London are indicated under the ‘wind and wave’ category to a total of 3.7 MWe. Virtually all of this capacity must be wind, and the vast proportion of it attributable to a single scheme – the Ford Dagenham wind turbine project.
  • 6 schemes are classed under ‘other biomass’ a total of 110.6 MWe (note – these statistics only refer to ‘renewable electricity’ and not ‘renewable energy’, hence it does not include biomass heat-only schemes in London or elsewhere). The majority of this capacity must be from biogas to electricity schemes at Thames Water sewage waste water treatment plants, and also a Thames Water ‘sludge powered’ generator, and a number of landfill gas schemes.
  • And then there are 1,044 solar PV schemes operating in London – to a total of 2.8MWe generation capacity (on PV installations in London see here for further detail).
  • London has the lowest total overall renewable electricity output of all regions at 385GWh – exactly the same amount generated as in 2009 (see DECC Energy Trends September 2010 for details)
  • The Mayor will shortly be issuing a detailed study on the potential for decentrailsed energy in London, including the use of renewable energy resources.
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Newham Hospital Builds its Energy Efficiency Programme

28 September 2011: Newham University Hospital Trust has been recognised for the energy savings achieved onsite through the introduction of measures to reduce energy consumption from the hospital’s IT system. Actions include the rationalisation of computer servers and the use of energy management software to help turn off computers when not in use.  The Guardian article highlights that “In the first year £18,500 was saved which was more than enough to pay for the project and gave a return on investment in less than a year.” In addition, earlier this year, the Trust has installed three new air handling units at a value of £400,000, with a guaranteed payback period of 6.6 years with the aid of the London Development Agency’s new RE:FIT framework.

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Further Details on the Roll out of CESP in London

28 September 2011: Ofgem’s recent Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) Update newsletter provided only limited detail in relation to the progress energy companies are making in rolling out efficiency measures in areas of low income, a key requirement of the CESP targets. CESP, which is funded by an obligation on energy suppliers and electricity generators, is expected to deliver up to £350m of efficiency measures by December 2012, the programme’s termination date.

Ofgem have now provided Energy for London some additional information to help better understand the progress of CESP in the capital.

The Update newsletter mentioned that 9 CESP schemes have been proposed in London, out of a total of 201 proposed schemes across the UK.

  • Ofgem have now confirmed that, to date, only two London schemes have been approved, in Barking and Dagenham, and in Westminster, and a further 16 have been submitted, awaiting approval.

The Update newsletter highlighted that 1047 energy efficiency measures were installed in 751 dwellings. Ofgem have provided to Energy for London a breakdown of theses 1047 energy efficiency measures as at 30 June 2011:

  • Cavity wall insulation – 198
  • External solid wall insulation – 342
  • Glazing – 18
  • Replacement boiler – 78
  • Heating controls – 197
  • Fuel switch – 119
  • Solar PV – 95
  • Total – 1047

DECC’s ‘Areas of Low Income’ document sets out that a total of 795 areas are  identified as qualifying areas for CESP out of a total of 3248 in England: that is 25 per cent of the eligible areas for the programme in England are in London.

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RE:NEW to roll out across nine more London boroughs

27 September 2011: The Mayor has announced today that homes in specific areas in Wandsworth, Croydon, Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Hounslow are the next to benefit from the RE:NEW energy efficiency programme.  To find out if you are in an area which is getting the RE:NEW treatment go to the postcode search facility here.

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Energy and Climate Questions to the Mayor

September 2011: This month the Mayor answered London Assembly questions in relation to: an estimate of the number of Londoners in fuel poverty in April 2012; the number of homes benefiting from the RE:NEW programme in each London boroughfuture funding of RE:NEW; an update on the Mayor’s carbon reduction targetscarbon savings associated with the RE:NEW programme; the Green Enterprise Districtlighting at London tube stationscarbon emissions from the constituent organisations of the GLA; RE:NEW loans; the number of HCA funded homes built and their Code for Sustainable Homes rating and progress of RE: NEW for 2011/2012.

Previous questions to the Mayor can be found here.

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Measuring London’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

September 2011: The GLA have approved work to commission consultant support to measure London’s greenhouse gas emissions. This analysis is needed as to: “deliver on the commitments set out in the Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy (CCMES), the Climate Change Mitigation and Energy team will need to update the London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) for 2011 and develop a new methodology and emissions inventory covering London’s indirect CO2e emissions. There is currently no existing UK or international standard to measure city-wide indirect CO2e emissions. To develop a robust, credible and tailored methodology, a consensus-based approach run by an independent facilitator and involving a stakeholder consultation process is recommended. This will focus primarily on the food, retail and construction sectors. Both inventories will contribute to the Mayor’s CCMES annual progress report, which is due in late 2012.”

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Winter Fuel Payments Data for London

September 2011: The latest official statistics on Winter Fuel Payments for 2010/11 have just been released by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).  The Winter Fuel Payment is “a tax free payment to help older people keep warm during winter” (further information here and here).  The data is provided in spreadsheet format on a Parliamentary constituency and local authority basis.

A quick analysis of the key statistics shows for London that:

  • 1.14 million people in London (out of 12.71m receiving payments across the UK) received Winter Fuel Payments
  • A total of £261 million in WFP was directed to Londoners (out of £2.75 billion across the UK)
  • 867,130 households  – approximately 27 per cent of London’s households received support (out of 9.2 million eligible housholds across UK).

As part of the Chancellor’s 2011 Budget, the WFP rates are to be reduced this year. Individuals over 60 and aged up to 79 will get now £200, down from £250. And those with someone aged 80 or over get £300, down from £400. Full WFP rates information is here.

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Constraints to London’s electricity distribution network?

September 2011: An interesting story highlighting the difficulties in connecting high-use energy users to London’s congested – and in places aging – electricity distribution network. The newsreport quotes the President of data centre provider Terremark as saying “The choice was essentially between London and Amsterdam, but London is pretty full and… there is no power; [in] Amsterdam there is plenty of power.” This is not only an issue in connecting new energy users in certain parts of London, but potentially also in connecting new low-carbon decentralised energy generation in the capital.

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Free solar PV panels for your community

September 2011: From “To celebrate our 5th birthday, Joju Solar will be giving away a free solar PV system and installation to a lucky community group. The entries will be judged by leading environmentalist Jonathan Porritt.
To enter the competition download the Community Giveaway Entry Form and return to Joju Solar before the deadline date. The deadline for entries will be Friday 7th October with the judges short listing entries there after before announcing the winner at the end of October.”

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Green Doctor service in Hillingdon

September 2011: As part of the London-wide RE:NEW scheme, Green Doctors™ from Groundwork Thames Valley will be visiting 1,600 homes across Hillingdon to advise residents on how they can be more efficient with energy. A survey of the property will be carried to find out what energy saving devices can be installed which can help save households up to £160. Further information from Hillingdon here.
Further information on the Green Doctor programme is available in a recent progress report for the Ebico Trust.

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