
Making a case for national heat mapping

1 June 2011: Article highlighting London’s Decentralised Energy Master Planning (DEMaP) programme, which has led to the production of the London Heat Map.

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Islington seeks partners for solar panel drive on council stock

31 May 2011: Islington is seeking one or more partners to install photovoltaic (PV) panels on roofs of council properties for a 25-year period, at no cost to the council or taxpayers.

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More green space needed to tackle urban warming

31 May 2011: The impact of urban climate change could be reduced by as much as 2.5°C by increasing the amount of green space in town and cities. RICS paper (subscriber only unfortunately) highlighting that by removing just ten per cent of the green space from a built-up area could see maximum temperatures increase by as much as 7°C.

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Sustainable cities – A vision of our future landscape

31 May 2011:”Cities are crucial to global sustainability. Implementing isolated initiatives which ‘reinvent the wheel’ and fail to draw on the full spectrum of skills and resources available is wasteful of resources. Regions and businesses must collaborate and share best practice or the UK as a whole will fall short of sustainability objectives. ” Download Grant Thornton’s report Sustainable cities – A vision of our future landscape here which looks at what eco-friendly cities around the world are doing, reviews a number of UK cities’ sustainability planning and development initiatives, and envisions a technology-driven sustainable city of the future.

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What future now for the wider sustainability agenda?

May 2011: Interesting article on IDEA’s website highlighting how policy changes and budget cuts are causing local authority sustainability managers to reposition their work to fit new priorities.

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Energy Efficient High Rises

31 May 2011: Article in today’s Daily Telegraph highlighting how developers and designers are working to improve the sustainability credentials of new high rise developments. The example discussed is the Silvertree tower in the Royal Docks where apartments will be rated 4 onthe Code for Sustainable Homes scale.

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Mayor’s responses to London Assembly energy and climate change questions

May 2011: The Mayor’s responses to the London Assembly on energy and climate change questions questions included:

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Dalston Square – Decentralised Energy

May 2011: A presentation and case study by the energy services section of E.ON on the Dalston Decentralised Energy (DE) project that they have developed and now operate. Serving 553 residential units over 5 blocks with retail units and a public library, the energy centre is powered by gas-fired combined heat and power units (CHPs) and gas/biomass boilers.

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London Needs a better Green Deal

28 May 2011: Darren Johnson, London Assembly Green Party member, argues that more needs to be done to ensure the Government’s Green Deal programme delivers a step change in improving energy efficiency measures in London’s homes.

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UK Power Networks pledges to open up connections

27 May 2011: London electricity distribution operator, UK Power Networks, has pledged to open up its regions to independent connections providers, signing a joint action plan with 16 independent connections firms outlining its plans to improve connections competition.

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Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone

May 2011: A mid-project report of the Muswell Hill Low Carbon Zone was produced to establish some of the points learnt and the carbon savings achieved whilst roughly half way through the project.

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London project competing into Ofgem’s Low Carbon Network Fund

24 May 2011: Ofgem announces that six innovative projects are eligible to compete for a share of £64 million, in the second year of the £500 million Low Carbon Networks Fund. Included is a London-based project by local distribution operator, UK Power Networks. The ‘Flexible Plug and Play‘ project will explore how to convert an existing network to connect more renewable generation.

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