
Energy Saving Trust to become social enterprise

23 May 2011: With the announcement made by DECC last week as part of their Delivery Review that core funding of the Energy Saving Trust (and Carbon Trust) is to stop at the end of this financial year, the Chief Executive of the Energy Saving Trust, Philip Sellwood, has announced that the EST is to now become a social enterprise and will seek charitable status. Core to the Trust’s activities going forward will be a number of regional energy saving programmes, with the trust looking to expand such initiatives.

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Design a Pylon!

23 May 2011: Don’t like London’s pylon’s? DECC have announced today a competition to help design a new generation of pylons. As the press release states “As well as exploring the design of the pylon itself, the competition aims to explore the relationship between energy infrastructure and the environment within which it needs to be located.” The competition closes on 12 July – further details on DECC’s website here. If you want some design ideas have a look at the Pylon Appreciation Society’s website!

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Cities should be allowed to become more financially independent

23 May 2011: The City Finance Commission have today published the results of their inquiry into the current system of city local government finance recommending that cities should be allowed to become more financially independent, to strengthen their ability to drive both local and national economic growth, deliver localism and to increase care for their communities. Of interest to supporting the development of low carbon solutions, the report proposes that new Tax Increment Financing (TIF) powers for local authorities and Business Improvement Districts should be introduced to support local infrastructure investment.

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Legal Frameworks for Sustainable Community Infrastructure

20 May 2011: The UK-Green Building Council – in conjunction with the Zero Carbon Hub – launched the  interim findings of the Legal Frameworks for Sustainable Community Infrastructure. The report represents work by an industry task group on what is needed for the development of standardised legal frameworks across the industry to facilitate the growth of Sustainable Community Infrastructure and reduce associated costs and burdens.

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London’s Energy Gap

19 May 2011: London Assembly Environment Committee note – in advance of a briefing session – on the issue of future energy supplies to London (see Agenda Item 8).

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FOE – Cuts to local government funding could decimate councils’ ability to tackle climate change

19 May 2011: Friends of the Earth have today published a short and useful study (undertaken by local government expert, Prof. Tony Travers, of the LSE) providing a summary of the changes currently being applied to local government and the likely adverse impacts that will arise in relation to council action to tackle climate change.


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Tidal energy trial in Thames

19 May 2011: A tidal turbine is being installed in the River Thames alongside World War II ship HQS Wellington in central London. If the trial proves successful and does not adversely affect the environment, hundreds of turbines could be installed between Kent and London. Further details are on the developer’s, Nautricity, website.

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London ‘Energy Efficiency Urban Development Fund’ to be set up

18 May 2011: A paper on the London Green Fund (Public Item 2.5) presented at the LDA’s latest Board Meeting states that Amber Infrastructure Ltd has been selected by European Investment Bank (EIB) for managing the London’s ‘Energy Efficiency Urban Development Fund’, following approval from the London Green Fund Investment Board. The EIB will now seek to finalise the negotiation of a contract ahead of 22 June 2011, when the fund is expected to be launched. Initially, £50m will be committed to this UDF.

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Can fuel poverty in London be eradicated by 2016?

18 May 2011: Fuel poverty affects almost a quarter of London households and is thought to be responsible for around 2,100 premature deaths a year. Is the capital on track to meet the Government’s target of eradicating the problem by 2016? What more can the Mayor and energy companies do to help? The London Assembly Health and Public Services Committee today launches a new investigation into the cost of energy and the role that suppliers and the Mayor can play in helping to reduce fuel poverty in the capital.

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Sainburys’ ‘Carbon Academy’ to train 20,000 people by 2020

16 May 2011: Sainsbury’s is to launch a new initiative that will help revolutionise the way in which the company manages its carbon footprint. The Sainsbury’s Carbon Academy will provide environmental training to 20,000 people by 2020. Stores that have been through an earlier energy efficiency initiative have seen an average reduction in energy usage of 17 per cent.

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New DECC CHP Site Assessment Tool

16 May 2011: New DECC tool posted on CHP Focus website allowing users to “get an indicative assessment and review potential options for installing CHP on a particular site and it has been carefully designed for users who have limited knowledge of CHP.”

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National Debtline has seen a 180 per cent increase in callers with fuel debts over the last four years

12 May 2011: Debt advice charity the Money Advice Trust is warning consumers to pay close attention to their fuel costs after witnessing a rise in the number of people with fuel debts seeking advice. Since 2007 National Debtline, which is run by the Money Advice Trust, has seen a 181 per cent increase in the number of people advised who carry fuel debts. Just over the last twelve months the charity has seen ten per cent more people calling in with fuel debts.

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