
DECC disband local government team

10 May 2011: A tweet (10 May) from the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) ‘Local Energy’ initiative stating that DECC’s Local Government has now been disbanded.

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Time for Government to deliver on green buildings

10 May 2011: Some of the biggest names in the property sector have today called on the Government to honour its commitments on energy efficiency ratings, as MPs prepare to debate the Energy Bill in the House of Commons. Senior industry figures have sent an open letter to the Prime Minister and other senior ministers, calling for the Energy Bill to be used to legislate on Display Energy Certificates (DECs), which provide an A-G energy efficiency rating for buildings. The certificates are currently mandatory for public sector buildings, but are not compulsory in the private sector. Non-domestic buildings currently account for up to 17% of the UK’s carbon emissions. The letter, initiated by the British Property Federation and the UK Green Building Council, argues that without legislation, private property owners could be disadvantaged by opting to display their energy rating.

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Blackfriars redevelopment highlighted as Government launch Climate Resilient Infrastructure study

9 May 2011: Secretary of the State for the Environment Caroline Spelman, today launched Defra’s policy guidance in relation to improving the resilience of major infrastructure to future changes in climate. The report was launched at Blackfriars where the £550m redevelopment of the station has given significant consideration to the long term implications of climate change. The new station will be fitted with sustainability technology such as sun pipes, rain harvesting systems, thermal insulation, and Photovoltaic (PV) cell solar panels to decrease its reliance on other infrastructure such as water and electricity networks.

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LGA Briefing on the Energy Bill

6 May 2011: Local Government Association (LGA) briefing sets out the key issues for local government on the Energy Bill ahead of its Second Reading in the House of Commons on Tuesday 10th May 2011.

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Energy and Carbon Reduction for Wimbledon

5 May 2011: In 2009, CSE was engaged by The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, more commonly known simply as ‘Wimbledon’, to look at opportunities for energy and carbon reduction and measuring the organisation’s carbon footprint.

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Southwark Heat Network

3 May 2011: Updates on Southwark’s work with SELCHP on taking waste heat from the power station to  nearby residential estates: 27 April update; 3 May update.

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Homeowners Unlikely to Take Advantage of Green Deal

3 May 2011: The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) recently surveyed its members and found that almost 44% thought homeowners were unlikely to take advantage of the Government’s flagship domestic energy efficiency programme, the Green Deal, when it launches in autumn 2012.

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First Zero Carbon Vicarage Ready For Occupation

3 May 2011: The Rev Francis Adu-Boachie, vicar of St John’s, Wembley, has moved into what is believed to be the greenest vicarage in Britain.

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New resource pack helps communities deliver energy projects

28 April 2011: The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) PlanLoCaL resource pack is now available. PlanLoCaL is a three-year CSE project which aims to help communities engage positively with their local planning system and contribute to a low-carbon future. Designed for campaigners and local volunteers who want to set up a renewable energy project within their communities, the resource pack contains information necessary for getting a project off the ground. Further information is available at the PlanLoCaL website. The pack also contains two DVDs which feature a series of short films on subjects such as:

  • Introducing different renewable technologies
  • Helping decide which technology is best for you
  • Case studies about various projects
  • A rough guide to managing a project
  • Consulting with the community
  • Helping your group become legally recognised
  • Dealing with the planning system
  • Looking at ways to fund your project
  • The future and re-investing your profits

These films are also viewable via and YouTube (

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Hospital’s Decentralised Energy System

26 April 2011: Mitie have been commissioned by the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead to develop an energy centre incorporating onsite CHP generation.

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London 2012 Sustainability Report: A blueprint for change

20 April 2011: London 2012 has issued its first full sustainability report, covering the whole London 2012 programme for the calendar year 2010.

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Community initiative hopes to Energise Barnet

20 April 2011: Energise Barnet, a community initiative set up by local residents, plans to set up a network of ‘green’ buying groups in order to help homeowners and local businesses generate their own electricity and make their homes more energy efficient.

As part of this new scheme, Energise Barnet seeks to partner with installers of solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, heating boilers, solid wall insulation and providers of other green products and services. By helping local residents to realise their green potential, Energise Barnet hopes to bring down energy bills and increase carbon awareness.

Energise Barnet received seed funding after coming top in a competition to find ideas to accelerate the creation of a sustainable energy system. ‘Gatecrashing the UK Energy sector’ was a competition run by Forum for the Future. Read more here.

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