
White City Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF)

8 April 2011: Chapter 8 of the main OAPF document summarises energy issues. A technical appendix (TA9) to the report goes into further detail on energy.

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Homes to be insulated around the Olympic’s site

8 April 2011 London Assembly Member Darren Johnson on proposals to help reduce CO2 emissions related to the Olympics by insulating homes in neighbouring boroughs through the Mayor’s RENEW programme.

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The Health Costs of Cold Dwellings

7 April 2011: Caring for people made ill by living in cold rented homes costs the NHS £145 million a year, reveals new research launched by Friends of the Earth today. The analysis – The Health Costs of Cold Dwellings – carried out for  the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health, found that 655,800 homes in England rented from a landlord or letting agency are so cold they are officially a health hazard, with a bottom-of-the-scale energy efficiency rating of F or G. A regional breakdown of the modelling is provided and suggests that some 82,000 dwellings in private rented dwellings in London are associated with excess cold. The estimated costs to the NHS of not treating these dwellings in London is just under £19m.

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London Green Fund Brochure

6 April 2011: London Development Agency (LDA) brochure on the London Green Fund.

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Future of the London Development Agency’s Environment Work

6 April 2011: Transcript of oral evidence given to the London Assembly’s Environment Committee (agenda item 5) by the Mayor’s Advisor on the Environment which provides a useful – and detailed – update on a number of energy efficiency programmes currently being delivered by the LDA including the Green 500, RE:NEW and RE:FIT.

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Hackbridge ‘Green Neighbourhood

6 April 2011: Plans to give a £150 million make-over to a “neglected corner” of the borough have been revealed. Eight hectares of land opposite Hackbridge Rail Station in Croydon could be flattened to make way for the multi-million pound “green neighbourhood” to include 775 new homes, a 4,000 square metre superstore, around 2,000 square metres of other shops and 6,000 square metres of office space. Full Hackbridge story here.

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London Green Fund Brochure released

6 April 2011: The London Green Fund (LGF) is a £100 million fund set up to invest in schemes that will cut London’s carbon emissions. The fund was launched in October 2009 by the Mayor of London and the European Commissioner for Regional Policy – the first JESSICA Holding fund in the UK. It is made up of £50 million from the London ERDF Programme, £32 million from the LDA, and £18 million from the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB). The European Investment Bank manages the London Green Fund on behalf of the LDA and LWARB.The LGF will provide funding for two UDFs that will invest directly in waste and energy efficiency projects. These will be ‘revolving’ investment funds, where monies invested in one project are repaid and then reinvested in other projects. The scope of the LGF may be expanded in future to include support for medium and large scale decentralised energy systems.The manager of the Energy Efficiency UDF is due to be appointed soon and the fund is expected to be up and running by summer 2011. Further information on the London Green Fund here.

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Mayor confirms go-ahead of energy efficiency programmes

6 April 2011: Funding arrangements for the Mayor’s climate change and environment programmes for the following year have now been confirmed. Of the “£116.5 million of investment to fund transition a low carbon economy” £100m will be from the London Green Fund (for more of which – read story below). Read Mayoral press release here.

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Costing an Enhanced Decent Homes Standard

5 April 2011: GLA commissioned report from the Centre for Sustainable Energy in conjunction with the Metropolitan Housing Partnership (MHP), to estimate the total cost of delivering an enhanced environmental standard for social rented homes in London

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£500,000 funding available for community energy projects

April 2011: The first round of energyshare funding is now available with energyshare’s founding partners, River Cottage and British Gas committed to securing further funding in the future. As a start, British Gas have committed to distribute a further £3m to community renewable projects through the energyshare fund over the next 3 years. A free information day is to be held at River Cottage HQ on Wednesday 18th May -find out more on energyshare funding here.

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Raising the energy standard in London – What would this cost?

5 April 2011: The Centre for Sustainable Energy, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Housing Partnership (MHP), have published work, commissioned by the Mayor, to estimate the total cost of delivering an enhanced environmental standard for social rented homes in London. The research estimates that even the most basic measures would cost London a minimum of £4 billion, with up to £10 billion for more ambitious measures. Download the report ‘Costing an Enhanced Decent Homes Standard’ from CSE’s website here.

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£4m invested in new London waste plan

5 April 2011: The London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) has announced it is awarding a £4 million loan to Orchid Environmental Limited (Orchid) to set up a new plant turning household rubbish into fuel. The facility to be sited in Bexley, and which is due to be finished and operational in early 2013, will be capable of handling 160,000 tonnes of rubbish, turning it into a range of secondary recovered fuels (SRF) that can be then be used in renewable energy plants and by industrial heat users. Further information on LWARB press release.

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