
Hospital to heat Camden homes

4 April 2011: The Royal Free Hospital in Camden will use a combined heat and power (CHP) network to supply 1,500 Camden Council homes in nearby estates with lower cost energy.The project, due to start at the end of the year, will provide around half the total amount needed for the homes, with surplus energy from a heating plant at the hospital being pumped into an energy centre, which Camden Council will build on one of its nearby estates.The rest of the energy needed by the residents will come from the energy centre, which will also be able to supply energy for heating and hot water if the system at the Royal Free is interrupted, such as for repairs and maintenance. Further information from Camden here.

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Richmond climate change strategy scrapped

2 April 2011: The LibDems rail against Conservative-led Richmond Council’s decision to “to abandon work to tackle climate change”. Read LibDems news here.

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Feed in Tariff (FIT) Installation Data

1 April 2011Second quarterly Ofgem report with details of 30,000 renewable installations.

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Smart metering – what it means for Britain’s homes

31 March 2011: Useful fact sheet released from Ofgem on the smart metering implementation programme which will involve more than 50 million new meters being installed in 30 million homes and businesses over a seven year period.

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Bringing it Home

30 March 2011Green Alliance report examining the role of government in enabling people to live more sustainable lives, and looks at the contribution that behavioural economics, and behavioural sciences more broadly, can make to environmental policy design.

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Olympic Park to provide green power to Stratford homes and businesses

30 Mar 2011: LDA report on their funding of £480,000 to install hot water pipework connecting the energy centres on the Olympic Park and Stratford City through to Stratford High Street and beyond. Read the full LDA news release here.

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Mayor’s responses to London Assembly energy and climate change questions

23 March 2011: The Mayor’s responses to London Assembly energy and climate change questions
Questions included the Mayor’s target on decentralised energy; the Mayor’s bid to the EU ELENA programme for funding; the Mayor’s funding of environmental projects; and electric vehicle charging points.

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Successful retrofit must include more choice and support for tenants

22 March 2011:A survey has found that 38 per cent of social renters are given no choice about energy efficiency improvements made to their home, over 14 per cent are worried they won’t know how to use energy-saving equipment and 17 per cent are concerned retrofit technology won’t actually work. More information on the Procurement for Housing website.

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Funding revolution – A guide for local authorities

21 March 2011: A guide for local authorities, housing associations and community groups providing advice on establishing and running low-carbon community revolving funds. Written by Forum for the Future  in collaboration with Bates Wells and Braithwaite the report outlines how to use smart finance to kick-start carbon saving projects and make investments go further. Download the funding guidance report here.

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Greener fire stations to save Brigade £1m over next ten years

21 March 2011: Fire authority chiefs have given the go-ahead to a scheme that will save the London Fire Brigade almost £1million on its energy bills over the next 10 years. Under the scheme, ten stations will receive a green makeover which will help cut energy bills by £80,000 a year, saving a total of 440 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. Further information on the following London Fire Brigade press release.

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Estimating the Potential of Energy Efficiency Jobs in London

16 March 2011: The Energy Saving Trust (EST) have just published Home Truths (press release and report) highlighting the significant economic benefits that can be delivered by supporting aggressive energy efficiency programmes.  These include initiatives such as insulating all remaining fillable lofts and cavities and replacing all G rated gas boilers with modern condensing boilers and heating controls. The report calculates the projected economic benefit of tackling the problem at three levels of ambition (L1: Lofts and cavity walls, L2: Insulation plus boiler replacement and L3: Advanced refurbishment), and breaks these figures down by region. The London estimates range from L1: 12,500 jobs and a GVA of £563m to L2: 17,800 jobs and £836m GVA. EST state that L3 regional figures are not estimated as yet.

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Haringey backing Climate Week

16 March 2011: Update on  climate change initiatives being taken forward in Haringey detailed here.

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