
HCA provides FIT advice

15 March 2011: The Homes and Communities Agency has today issued a statement to its Investment Partners to explain how the Feed In Tariff (FIT) relates to schemes that have received HCA funding, clarifying issues about State Aid rules on ‘double public subsidy’ . Where an Investment Partner has been awarded funding through the National Affordable Housing Programme, or any other from of public subsidy, they will need to demonstrate that this funding has not been used to pay for installations for which Feed In Tariff is then sought.

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Renewable energy in your local area, an opportunity not a threat!

14 March 2011: Series of useful presentations from a conference organised by the Local Government Association (LGA) focussing on how local authorities can explore opportunities to start energy generation projects.

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9 March 2011:Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, and Councillor Richard Kemp, Vice-Chair of the Local Government Association, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) designed to recognise the pivotal role that local councils have in tackling climate change. Download the MOU from DECC’s website here.

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Greenwich Climate Change Strategy Published

8 March 2011Greenwich Council’s climate change strategy was launched today which includes a detailed action plan with initiatives ranging from reviewing the potential for a borough-wide heat/CHP network, strong support for a range of renewable technologies, installation of smart meters, regular energy audits amongst many other well thought out proposals.

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Islington Tender for DE scheme

4 March 2011: Islington Council invites suitable expressions of interest from suppliers to design and build a new Energy Centre with a gas engine CHP plant and a District Heating (DH) network providing a  heating supply to three existing residential estates and leisure facilities owned by Islington Council. Read more detail on the Islington tender here.

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Islington DE FAQ

4 March 2011:With reference to story above, Islington have issued a short FAQ document on their decentralised energy project for the Bunhill Energy Centre and Heat Network.

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Response to Mayor’s Energy Strategy

2 March 2011: London Assembly response to public consultation draft of the Mayor’s Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy

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First certified passivhaus retrofit

2 March 2011: Octavia Housing have retrofitted an 1850s terraced house in a Holland Park conservation area to strict Passivhaus levels. Read more on the Passivhaus project here.

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Major release of Display Energy Certificate (DEC) data

2 March 2011: The Centre for Sustainable Energy has put DEC data for 40,000 buildings- obtained from CLG – and placed in the public domain for the first time.

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Kingston Vision for 2050 – A Green Future?

1 March 2011: Kingston held a one-day seminar on the future aspirations of a greener Kingston and the path to achieving climate change resiliency. Further details of current energy initiatives are set out  in Kingston’s energy strategy.

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Ealing’s social housing PV programme

1 March 2011: Ealing council are working with energy provider Eaga to install free solar photovoltaic systems on social housing tenants properties. More information on EAGA’s website here.

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A study of photovoltaics in an urban setting

1 March 2010: An abstract of some interesting research conducted at the Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB), based at London South Bank University, of what happened to a neighbouring PV installation when it became overshadowed by a new building. Download from

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