
English Housing Survey: Headline Report 2009-10

24 February 2011:Key indicators on energy performance in housing are detailed in this latest update published by CLG. Accompanying the report is a spreadsheet (English Housing Survey Headline Report 2009-10: Housing Stock Tables) providing a series of tables and figures on a number of very useful energy efficiency indicators. However – unfortunately no regional breakdown of these results are provided. Report and table downloadable from  CLG’s website here.

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Mayor’s responses to London Assembly energy and climate change questions

23 February 2011: Questions included Renewable Energy use by London Underground; police stations retrofitted under the Mayor’s RE:FIT programme; comment on the Mayor’s RE:NEW programme; why some lights can’t be switched off easily at tube stations; and funding of the Mayor’s electric vehicle programme.

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Brent Climate Change and Social Media Project

16 February 2011: Brent Council asked its residents to volunteer to monitor their energy consumption in their homes, thereby making it simple to save at least 10 per cent off their energy bills between mid May and mid November 2010. Participants were given small energy monitoring devices and were encouraged to create and maintain a lively citizen-driven dialogue on energy saving by using Social Media applications such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Blogger. 180 Brent residents registered their interest and after 6 months, savings of over 15 per cent were automatically reported by many. Further information on Brent’s website.

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How local economies can benefit from renewable energy

16 February 2011:New Local Government Network (NLGN) report on opportunities for councils to make greater use of renewable energy systems and benefit financially through the use of the ‘Feed-in Tariff’ and forthcoming ‘Renewable Heat Incentive’. Download the report How local economies can benefit from renewable energy.

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Update on London Green Fund

15 February 2011: The latest (February) ERDF newsletter by the LDA provides an update on the London Green Fund stating that: “The procurement process to select an organisation to set up and manage the Energy Efficiency Urban Development Fund (UDF) was launched in September 2010. Three bids were received by the EIB by the deadline in December. The bids are now being assessed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and it is anticipated that a preferred bidder will be selected in February. The timescale for concluding negotiations, once a preferred bidder is selected, is the end of June 2011.” The newsletter also sets out that with the government abolition of RDA’s, EU funding will now be handled by government departments, however, in London, it has confirmed that responsibility for management of European programmes will be transferred to the GLA in the summer of 2011. The February newsletter can be downloaded here.
Further information on the UDF fund manager is available on the LDA’s website here and in the European Investment Bank expression of interest documentation here.
A presentation made by the LDA in September 2010 on the London Green Fund is available here.

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Heat Maps for 19 London boroughs completed

15 February 2011:The Decentralised Energy and Energy Masterplanning (DEMaP) Programme is delivered by the LDA and London Councils as part of the Mayor’s programme to shift London to a greater decentralised energy future.  Eleven borough heat mapping studies have been carried out in the Pilot Tranche (November 2009 – June 2010) with a further eight completed in Tranche 1 (September 2010 – February 2011) of the programme. The heat maps developed support the development of London Heat Map.
The individual Heat Map reports for the 19 boroughs have been posted online and can be downloaded

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Local Carbon Frameworks Update

15 February 2011:The government is currently running a pilot programme with 9 local authority areas to co-design a series of Local Carbon Frameworks (LCF) to identify what works at what spatial level, and develop templates for action on carbon for all local authorities. Detail the LCF programme and the list of the projects currently underway – which includes a project in the London Borough of Haringey – are available on  DECC’s website here.

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Bromley acts to cut costs and carbon

15 February 2011:Bromley Councillors heard at their Executive meeting on 14 February, how investing in energy efficiency will help reduce costs by  more than £220,000 a year. Cllr Neil Reddin, executive member for Resources, told the Council’s Executive that as part of an invest-to-save approach, an investment of £500,000 in energy saving measures will help to control the increasing energy costs of council buildings and street lighting. Read more on Bromley’s website here.

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AEA Microgeneration Index

February 2011: Consultancy AEA have taken Ofgem’s Feed in Tariff (FIT) quarterly data reports of installations of qualifying renewable energy technologies, tidied up the excel spreadsheet data, to help provide a clearer regional breakdown of capacity and types of renewable energy systems installed. For London this goes down to individual borough reports.

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London Climate Change Partnership news

10 February 2011: The GLA has acted as the accountable body for the London Climate Change Partnership (LCCP) since 2001. The LCCP Steering Group voted for the Environment Agency to provide the accountable body role for the LCCP from 01 April 2010. The formal approval document has now been signed by the Mayor to support this move. Read more here

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Funding approved for new gasification project

9 February 2011:The London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB) has today agreed a £8.9 million loan to Biossence East London Ltd to support the development of what will be one of the UK’s first large scale advanced waste to energy gasification plants. Anticipated to operational in 2013 the 19MW generator will turn 100,000 tonnes of waste  each year into energy. The site has been bought from Ford, who will part-benefit from electricity generated by the plant.  Further information on the LWARB press release.  More on Bioessence here.

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Negotiations stall on Elephant and Castle’s MUSCo plans

8 February 2011: Southwark councillors have approved a proposal to call off negotiations with Dalkia to establish a mutli-utility services company (MUSCo) to provide provide locally generated heat, cooling, electricity and communications for the thousands of additional homes and businesses planned for the Elephant & Castle area. Read full news story here. (see 18 January news story here for further details).

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