
Building a Low Carbon Britain

7 Feb 2011: Forum for the Future and ADEPT report launched today which makes five recommendations for how local authorities can prepare their areas and communities for a low carbon future. It presents four scenarios which explore plausible, alternative visions of a low carbon UK. The report states that  “Local authorities will have a key role to play in the low carbon economy of the future. This project aimed to help local authorities understand what a low-carbon economy means for them and to find opportunities for low-carbon innovation in a time of public sector cuts.” Press release and report available here.

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Decentralised Energy Masterplanning project gets RTPI praise

4 Feb 2011:The London Development Agency’s planning for decentralised energy master planning programme  (DEMaP) and London Heat Map have been commended at this year’s Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) awards. More here.

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Southern Housing’s Green Doctors

2 February 2011: Southern Housing Group residents will be trained to provide energy saving hints, tips advice and services to residents in up to 500 of the Group’s homes as part of a scheme aimed at reducing fuel poverty in Hackney. More here.

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FIT installation report

1 February 2011: Ofgem have just issued the first of what will be quarterly reports on the installation of Feed in Tariff (FIT) accredited generators. This report and spreadsheet provides detail  on close to 20,000 installations accredited over the period April 2010 (when the FIT regime started) to December 2010.  The spreadsheet provides geographical information) (but will need a bit of work to pull out the London numbers only). Download the ‘Feed-in Tariff Installation Report Dec 2010’ on  Ofgem’s FIT webpage here.

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Salix Finance Newsletter

January 2011:The latest newsletter from Salix Finance highlights carbon savings made by those public sector bodies who have taken on loans. Salix also announce a new funding round bid.

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Richmond schools to run on sun-power

28 January 2011: Three schools in Richmond’s Low Carbon Zone have celebrated the installation of solar panels on their buildings as a result of grants from the council and British Gas. Further news from Richmond here. More information on the ‘My Solar School’ programme by British Gas.

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Carbon focus of London waste plans scrutinised

27 January 2011: The Mayor’s plans to introduce a new waste-based CO2 Emissions Performance Standard (EPS) for London boroughs, as set out in the draft of the October 2010 Municipal Waste Management Strategy for London, was debated at a recent conference in London. Further details on news story here.

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Waste energy from local plant could generate heating to nearly 3,000 homes

27 January 2011: Southwark Council is working with Veolia Environmental Services looking at the possibility of heating nearly three thousand homes across five estates using waste energy from the nearby SELCHP generation plant – further details here.
Detailed information on opportunities to use heat from SELCHP are contained in an energy assessment undertaken for the Canada Water Area Action Plan (AAP). Published in three sections, the full report is available from Southwark’s website here.
Further details of Veolia’s plans for SELCHP are set out in the following Mayor’s planning report (763 Old Kent Road – search for ‘SELCHP’ in the report).

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Mayor’s responses to London Assembly energy and climate change questions

26 January 2011: Questions included funding of the Mayor’s electric vehicle programme; comment by the Mayor on the removal by  government of national indicator targets; building energy efficiency standards; funding of the Mayor’s Low Carbon Zone programme; funding of the Mayor’s climate change funding programmes; and Southwark’s Decent Homes programme.

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Lambeth examine costs of CHP project

26 January 2011: Lambeth Council is investigating the installation and procurement of the ongoing combined heat and power (CHP) project in the Roupell Park estate in Brixton Hill. Read the full news story here.

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Borough presentations at ESCO workshop

20 January 2011: Series of useful presentations on projects in Westminster and Camden, and also the LDA’s DE work and more were made at an Energy Service Companies (ESCO) event held today by the Energy Saving Trust. Presentations are downloadable EST website here.

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Camden Draft Sustainability Plan

20 January 2011: Responses delivered to Camden’s Draft Sustainability Plan 2010 -2020.

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