
Haringey publishes its first annual carbon report

19 January 2011: Building on the target adopted by Haringey in 2009 to reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2020 (on a 2005 baseline), the borough has now produced a Carbon Report, “the first of its kind to be produced by a local authority”. The report outlines the scale of carbon emissions in the borough and some of the activities the borough will be leading on to reduce emissions. The carbon report – which is to be updated annually – can be downloaded here.

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Haringey Carbon Report

19 January 2011: Haringey publishes its first annual carbon report

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Southwark pulls the plug on Elephant & Castle green energy project

18 January 2011: News story on Southwark Council’s intention to to put on hold its plans for a multi-utility services company (MUSCo) to provide heating, cooling, electricity and communications to developments constructed as part of the Elephant & Castle regeneration. Full story here

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Fuel Poverty Statistics for London

15 January 2011: National Energy Action (NEA) have produced a useful summary in their press pack of key fuel poverty issues, including a regional breakdown – including that for London – of  Excess Winter Mortality Statistics.

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Lowest delivery of Warm Front grants to Londoners

15 January 2011: DECC’s publication of the Warm Front Annual Report for 2009-10 highlights the low level of delivery – the lowest in the country – of the programme’s insulation and heating improvement grants to London. For further information download the DECC report here.

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Brent School Energy Project

15 January 2011: Brent Council is funding a pilot Whole School Approach energy saving project in Brent. The Whole School Approach is an educational programme aimed at involving the whole school community including pupils, teachers, site managers, bursars and head teachers to help reduce the carbon footprint of a school. Further information here.

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Challenges to Achieving Low Carbon and Decentralised Energy in Central London

15 August 2010: Central London Forward (a sub-regional strategic organization representing the seven central London local authorities) commissioned analysis of the plans, potential and challenges for achieving carbon reduction objectives and delivering decentralised energy networks in Central London.

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Bright future for Arcola Energy

June 2012: “A fuel cell technology business is the last thing that you might expect to find at a small, independent theatre, but Arcola Energy is full of surprises.” Daily Telegraph piece on fascinating initiative launched by the Dalston-based organisation.

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