June 2014: Interesting to note that the London Assembly Economic Committee are to hold an evidence session on 24 June 2014 at City Hall on ‘Risks of Climate Change to the London Economy’.
The meeting is to take place at 10.00am in Committee Room 5 . This is the first meeting for the Economy Committee’s new investigation into the resilience of London’s economy to the projected impacts of climate change on the city. A briefing paper drafted for members of the committee can be downloaded here.
The proposed terms of reference for the Committee’s investigation are:
- To map the likely effects of climate change on the London Economy; identifying the sectors most at risk and the likely effects on jobs and prosperity;
- To establish best practice amongst the business community, in terms of risk assessment and adaptation strategies; and
- To make recommendations addressing the risks from climate change to the London economy to the London Enterprise Panel and the Mayor, and potentially other representatives of London Government where appropriate.
Guests include:
- Nick Beecroft, Lloyd’s of London
- Daniel Dowling, PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Professor Samuel Fankhauser, Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment
- Michelle Hubert, Confederation of British Industry
- Professor Christopher Rapley CBE, London Climate Change Partnership
The Mayor has previously stated that TfL has extreme weather resilience action plans for each business area. London’s 2011 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy can be viewed here.